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The Journey of a High Risk Pregnancy

Maternal Fetal Medicine Monday

“Thank you. Thank you for taking a situation that could have been difficult, stressful and overwhelming and making it manageable.”

I will never forget these words spoken to me by a Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) patient. That one sentence sums up why I do what I do, and why I love what I do.


I will protect the name of the patient for confidentiality and call her Mrs. X.  Mrs. X was  39 yo, pregnant with her second child; she and her husband was excited to welcome a new baby into their home. During a routine ultrasound, Mrs. X’s baby was diagnosed with hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is a condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the skull and causes the brain to swell. The name Hydrocephalus means “water on the brain”. The plan for Mrs. X’s baby was to transfer after delivery to a local Children’s Hospital to receive the care needed.

I recall meeting Mr. & Mrs. X and their adorable 2yo during their MFM consultation. Understandably, the family was overwhelmed, worried and nervous.  On top of the health concerns for their unborn baby and the apprehension of being separated shortly after birth; the family also had the additional stressors of insurance and logistics of appointments.

I remember telling the family: let me handle the insurance, let me handle arranging appointments, let me handle the little details. Your main concern at this time is to focus on your baby and yourself.  I noticed a little sigh of relief, yet wariness in their eyes. So I did what I do; called the insurance companies, obtained prior authorizations as needed, arranged appointments that coordinated with the patient’s convenience, and took care of any concern they had.

Prior to delivery on their last appointment with the MFM team; I wished them well and informed them to please call if they needed any further assistance. My patient went on to deliver; the baby was transferred to Children’s Hospital and I heard all was going well.  I thought of them often, but knew most likely I would not see them again until the next pregnancy; as the postpartum care would be with their primary Ob/Gyn.


Countdown to delivery; nervous but hopeful

Many months later; I received a call to come to the front desk. Standing at the front desk with her baby and older sister was Mrs. X.  Baby X was beautiful and doing well, mom looked happy, the big sister was excited. Mrs. X came back just to say

“Thank you. Thank you for taking a situation that could have been difficult, stressful and overwhelming and making it manageable.”

For anyone experiencing a high risk pregnancy; it can be overwhelming as you travel the unfamiliar road.  I want you to focus- day by day– do not try to figure everything out at one time. Trust your MFM team, let them worry about the little details. Take each moment to focus on you and your baby.

Remember, your MFM team’s goal is the same as yours:

Healthy Mom/Healthy Baby


Mary E., RN,BSN, MSN

Wife/Mother/Nurse/Champion of All Pregnant Women


(article source: Written by Amanda Delgado and Valencia Higuera Medically Reviewed by Steven Kim, MD on September 26, 2015 Found online: Healthline)

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