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Pregnancy Love : #6 : Glorious Hair

Focusing on #Pregnancy Love, I want to take a moment to celebrate 



during pregnancy!

Long , short, curly, straight, brown ,blonde, red or black! Hair during pregnancy is GLORIOUS!

Thank you hormones, especially estrogen ! These hormones cause your hair to grow thicker and stronger. Also during pregnancy , your hair does not go through the natural phase of growth, resting  and hair fall.  The hairs remain giving you longer, thicker Glorious Hair!

Unfortunately, this Glorious Hair does not last. After you have your baby, the hair that did not fall out with pregnancy tends to shed. This occurs as your body returns to its pre-pregnancy state and hormones return to normal levels.

However, for now , Celebrate #PregnancyLove Month and Swish that glorious hair as you rock your baby bump!


Did you notice hair growth during your pregnancy- on  your head and other places..

Share your stories below….


The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist. Skin Conditions During Pregnancy. (2014). found online :

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