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Dear High Risk Moms

Dear High Risk Moms,

While I’m not proclaiming to know exactly what you are going through and cannot fully understand every thought you are having. I know you have chosen to have a baby and with that baby comes  dreams and hopes of an amazing pregnancy journey and a beautiful healthy baby.  

However at some point during your pregnancy, you were referred to the High Risk doctor and your world changed. I’m sure you wondered or wondering now… what does this mean?? What’s going to happen?

Moms, I hear you. This journey you are on  may be one of the most fearful, emotionally charged journey you will have to take in your life. I understand you are literally fighting to make it to Labor & Delivery and deliver a healthy baby to bring home.

Moms, there will be times when you are working with your primary doctor and Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor and feel overwhelmed with the tests, procedures, and appointments. There will be times you are worried if insurance will cover all that you need. Google may have become your ‘second doctor” and chat rooms your saving grace as you try to find other moms as support. I understand.

I understand there are days you want to rage because ‘ it’s just not fair’ and you question ” why me?” Yes, I see your furstration with information overload and the complexity of the situation;the uncertainty if you should trust your healthcare team’s plan. I know you are carrying a precious gift- you will protect at all cost.

Moms, I hear you and I’m with you. I want you to know as your nurse, myself, your MFM doctor and many team members are there with you from the moment we meet you to after you deliver and beyond if you need us.

We carry you in our thoughts as we collaborate to design the best plan to have you and your baby safe and healthy. We pray for wisdom to chose the correct plan for you. We pray for your peace during a challenging time. We partner with you to create a plan you are comfortable with to have a desired outcome.

As your nurse, I urge you to give me your worries , I want your questions, I’ll handle the logistics.  I want to make this particular challenging pregnancy journey easier for you. With a high risk pregnancy your mind is already filled with thoughts and worries- Our goal as the MFM team is to always reduce stress, minimize worry and promote peace in any situation.

Moms, remember this is your journey and I’m walking with you every step. Always let me know what you need, when you need it as we make it to the destination of delivering a healthy baby and keep you healthy.


Your MFM Nurse ❤️


(picture source:

By: Mary Echols,RN,BSN,MSN

Wife /Mother/Nurse

Contact Mary at :

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