She Cried Today.
She cried because her pregnancy journey will end with a Caesarean section (C-section).
She cried because pregnancy to her that means she didn’t earn her baby
She cried because she felt she wasn’t a ‘real’ mother/woman.
She cried because she will not be able to labor her baby into the world.
She cried because she was embarrassed to tell her husband.
She cried because to her – she has failed.
My heart hurt for this 1st time mother. This mother who has planned from the 1st positive pregnancy test for this baby, prayed for this baby, dreamed about her pregnancy and mentally prepared for the birth of her baby.
My heart hurt because she could not see there is more than one road to a healthy baby.
She Cried Today
I spent time with her. I talked with her. I wanted my words to acknowledge her feeling and empower her to own her birth story.
I wanted her to know :
She is a Mother
She is a Woman
She has not failed but is winning and has won.
She has carried this child for almost 40 weeks; who she loves without ever meeting. She has nurtured this child in utero doing everything right to set the stage to welcome her little one into the world. Her desire is to have the perfect pregnancy journey, which to her is to have a vaginal delivery.
She Cried Today
She left her office visit with a look of resignation and anxiousness in her eyes.
I will see her once more before her scheduled C-section. I will speak with her, comfort her, encourage her to express her feelings, hopes, and thoughts.
In my mind and heart:
My hope , my prayer is that she will always know:
The journey of pregnancy and parenting may not always be linear. That she will learn to expect the unexpected, that plans change.
Regardless of how her birth story unfolds ; that she will remember:
She is a Mother
She is a Woman
She is Strong
Her name is Mama
Her Baby = Love
Healthy Mom/Healthy Baby
Mary Echols, RN , BSN, MSN
Wife/Mother/ Registered Nurse/ “Champion of All Pregnant Women”
Contact Mary @
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