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8 Amazing RN Tips to Survive 1st Trimester

Congratulations! You are Pregnant.

You are Excited & Happy; yet you feel……

Exhaustion, Nausea, Vomiting, Sore breasts, Bloating, Morning Sickness all day, and did I mention Extreme Exhaustion.


What’s a mommy to do? It is no joke. Growing a tiny human is hard work; especially in the beginning, as your body adjusts to pregnancy.  Yes, the end is sweet but that beginning ride is bumpy. The great news is by the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, your energy will have returned a little and the nausea have subsided.

Never fear…. RN Mary is here!

Listed below are 8 Amazing RN Tips to help you Survive the 1st Trimester of Pregnancy.


Frequent naps help with the tiredness. If you are able nap when you can. Do not feel guilty- it takes a lot of energy to grow a human

Pregnancy Pillow


Yes, even this early in pregnancy can help you get comfortable when sleeping. This is a great investment, as you will use it the duration of your pregnancy.

Nausea and Vomiting “Morning Sickness”

Never let your stomach be completely empty. Eat 6 small meals throughout the day. Carry crackers , fruit and vegetables to snack during the day.

Sea Bands

Sea Bands are a nice non-medical way to help with nausea

Stay Hydrated 


Water! Water! Water !

Water offer numerous benefits to your body during pregnancy. Make sure you are drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day.  You can fancy up your water with lemon or cucumber to make it more appealing to you. Remember to avoid BPA and put your water in a glass or an easy to carry stainless steel water bottle.

Prenatal Vitamins

Take your Prenatal Vitamin Every Day. A tip: make sure to take with food in your tummy. Some women find taking your vitamin at night helps with the upset stomach.

Supportive Bra

You may notice your breast are larger and sore. The increased blood flow to the area from hormones cause breast and nipples to become swollen and sore.

A supportive bra will help support your breast during the 1st trimester and through the duration of your pregnancy.

Give Yourself Permission to Feel Exactly What You Are Feeling

Pregnancy is an exciting rollercoaster. Hormones are surging through your body. How you are feeling at this moment; if this is your first pregnancy or 10th pregnancy is normal. Exited, Nervous, Joyful, And Anxious are all normal emotions you may feel.  However, it you have a history of depression or postpartum depression or a mental health issue, you want to speak with your doctor to receive the best care for you and your baby

Growing a little human is hard work. You are doing a great job, keep up the good work. These tips will help you Survive the 1st trimester. Remember each day brings you closer to the 40 week mark and holding your sweet baby.

Healthy Mom/Healthy Pregnancy


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Mary E., RN,BSN, MSN

Wife/Mother/Nurse/Champion of All Pregnant Women


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